- Humix
- Humic +
- Eco Multi - X
- Provita - G
- Provita - GR
- Saico Bio Compost
- Calciphos
- Saico Humic
- Saico Fulvic
- Saico Amino
- Fulvic +
- Amino +
- Ecofer
- Helios
Humix growth stimulator is a scientific mixture of humic acid, Aminoacid, Fulvic acid, potash, nitrogen, essential trace elements, and proteins, through the latest technologies. Humix enhances the plant growth and uptake of nutrients. The nutrients loss through soil application can be reduced by using humix. By the richness of micro and macro nutrients the products get a maximum growth in a short period.
Enhances Plant Growth
Increases Resistivity
Increase quality and quantity of Crop
Enhances Stomatal Uptake
Protects the Plants from the Pest Attack
Reduces the Physiological Diseases
Increases Flowering Rates
Reduces Flower Shedding and Fruit Dropping
Increases Shelf Life of Products
Increases the Leaf Production and Chlorophyll Formation.
Increases the Pollination Rates
Fastens the Development of root system and metabolism
Increases the Volatile Oil Production
Reduces the loss of volatile Oil
Enhances the desirable microbes
'Humic +' is a scientific mixture of humic acid fulvic acid amino acid.
'Humic +' helps the crops to resist diseases and improve s plant immunity
'Humic +' control flower shedding and fruit droppings
'Humic +' Improves pollination
'Humic +' Improves fruit setting
'Humic +' Improves photo synthesis and helps in production of chlorophyll
Ecomulti-X is a concocted composition of Humic acid, Fulvicacid, Micronutrients to enrich the soil. Its acts as a soil conditioner for a long period.
Ecomulti – X helps to balance the PH of the soil.
Provide high nutrients supply for a long period
Controls the nutrients supply for a long period.
Controls the nutrients deficiency of the soil.
Prevents the physiological diseases like chlorosysand stunted growth.
Regulates the ionic balance of soil.
Increases root growth.
Enhances the chlorophyll formation.
Its provides nutrients supply for a long period.
Increases the immunities of the plant.
Better for Eco farming and organic farming.
Provita – G is a scientific concocted gel of seaweed, effective microbes,
bio control agents etc…
It controls and destroys the pest and insect developments within the
Its reduces the water loss of rhizome when it keeps at open area.
Its provides a protecting coating to the rhizome and keeps the pest and
insects away from the planting materials.
Its reduces nutrients loss by the climatic conditions.
Its helps in healthy bud formation.
Its protects young buds from bruises young buds from pest and insect
attack, keeps the planting material free from diseases and pests. Its helps
in formation of healthy roots and shoots and free from synthetic chemicals.
Provita-GR is Granuled and Concentrated soil enricher manufactured through latest Technologies.
Enriches the Soil without causing any damages to the soil texture
Helps to fix more Humous
Natural Source of Plant Nutrients
High Yield Providing
Providing Nutrients for a Long Peroid
More area coverage with low volume
Helps in more Production regulates the soil PH
Controls Psysiological diseases like Chlorosis, Stunted Growth etc
Keeps the Crops from Pest Attack
Provides Health Growth
More Cholorophyil Production
Increase the Flowering rate
Provides More Life to Plants
More Shelf Lives to Products
Increases the Quality and Quantity of Products.
Organic manure need to be applied to maintain the fertility of the soil. The use of chemical fertilizers during the past three decades has contributed to certain an extent in production, but has left the soil sick by diminishing the population of dynamic micro organisms responsible for soil fertility.
Its promotes good rooting systems, thereby increases the uptake of nutrients from soil, improves the water holding capacity of the soil, increases the aeration to the soil and supplies essential nutrients to the crops and act as a store house for the nutrients supplied to the soil, avoids its leaching from the soil and supplies to the crop needs
Promotes good rooting system, thereby increases the uptake of nutrients from the soil
Compost houses many beneficial microfloras which helps the crops development.
Compost improves the water holding capacity of the soil,increases the aeration to the soil and supplies external nutrients to the crops
Compost act as a store house for the nutrients supplied to the soil, avoids its leaching from the soil and supplies to the crop needs.
In a nutshell, the overall soil fertility is enhanced with the use of compost manure.
Its promotes good rooting systems, thereby increases the uptake of nutrients from soil, improves the water holding capacity of the soil, increases the aeration to the soil and supplies essential nutrients to the crops and act as a store house for the nutrients supplied to the soil, avoids its leaching from the soil and supplies to the crop needs
Calciphos is an organic fertilizer which contains Phosphorus and calcium.
Its improves aeration of the soil
Enhances root growth
Increases resistivity of crop,
Reduces acidity of soil
Suitable for integrated crop management and ecofriendly,
By the richness of fixed nutrients provides more efficiency and lasting,
Helps in better ionic balance of soil,
More economical,
Ideal for bio farming.
Saico humic is a fine concentrated potasim humate
Fast dissolting in water
High efficiency
Increses the immunity of plants
Quality production
Providing high yields
Increases the plant life
Non toxic
Saico Fulvic is a fine concentrated fulvic acid
Fast dissolting in water
High efficiency
Increses the immunity of plants
Quality production
Providing high yields
Increases the plant life
Non toxic
Saico aminois a fine concentrated amino acid
Fast dissolting in water
High efficiency
Increses the immunity of plants
Quality production
Providing high yields
Increases the plant life
Non toxic
Fulvic + is a scientific mixture of humic acid fulvic acid amino acid
Fulvic + helps the crops to resist diseases and improve s plant immunity
Fulvic + controls flower shedding and fruit droppings
Fulvic + Improves pollination
Fulvic +Improves fruit setting
Fulvic +Improves photo synthesis and helps in production of chlorophyll NON TOXIC
Amino +is a scientific mixture of humic acid fulvic acid amino acid
Amino +helps the crops to resist diseases and improve s plant immunity
Amino +control flower shedding and fruit droppings
Amino + Improves pollination
Amino +Improves fruit setting
Amino +Improves photo synthesis and helps in production of chlorophyll
It is a mixture of various organic product with good degree of plant nutrients and natural pesticides. The composting of these materials makes it rich in fixed nutrients as well as supplies a good number of friendly microbes to the soil.
Add nutrients to the soil, while maintaining the natural soil texture.
Enhances the root growth by increasing the aeration of soil.
Increases the water holding capacity of soil, thus plants get more nutrients and helps in more production and keeps plant health.
Natural form of essential nutrients like NPK nourishes the crop for a long period.
Protects the crops from physiological diseases like stunted growth, chlorosys et. Caused by nutrients deficiency.
Increases the quality and quantity of crop production by the richness of micronutrients.
Enhances the growth rate of micro organisms and earth worm leading to recovery of natural textures of soil.
Increases the immunity of the crop.
Suitable for biofarming and eco farming.
Keeps the ionic balance of soil.
Protects the nature, without causing any deadly effects to the soil and water.
Helios is preventive and curative foliar application concentrate for fungal infection to the plants.It is a concocted mixture of chitosan gel and Potassium Phosphite
Helios controls the fungal infection on all cropes.Prevents the Phytophtora is a regular application Controls leaf blight and damping off.etc